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Hours/ Days of operation

Ruby’s Little GEMS CT LLC is open year-round, Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30p.m.
We follow the (Stamford) school schedule for holidays and vacations. Tuition is due weekly regardless of
any absence, including sick days. Admission Our program serves children (12months-5 years old). A
$50.00 non-refundable registration fee, along with one week’s tuition is due upon registration. Tuitions
payments are to be made weekly, and due the Friday before the week of care. A $10.00 a day late fee will
be added after 5 days and your child may not return until payment is made in full.




Rubyslittlegemsct@ gmail.com


595 Hope Street Stamford, CT 06907

122 Center Street Stamford CT 06906


Monday-Sunday 7:30am-6:00pm

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